There are many different ionizing filter on the market sold under different brand names. Some are sold through retail channels and the others are sold through network marketing. In principle, it was obvious that this point is ionizing a particular filter, but instead focuses on the physics and chemistry associated with the ideas of micro-cluster water and alkaline water. The companies that sell these filters impressive demo seems to make sense,but really your not a chemist or physicist knows that the ownership of the water meter. Here are the simple scientific facts.
The myth of the alkalinity
Water Filter
According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no solid scientific research that shows health benefits of drinking alkaline water. In fact, take place requires the acid digestive system for certain chemical reactions. There is certainly no scientific research that says as alkaline water cancer support care.Consider applications for research by filter manufacturers and discovers that much of it is actually manufactured for marketing purposes.
Basics of water
We all know the famous H2O chemical symbol for water. This means that water from two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The interesting thing is that only the water on its atomic weight should be a gas, instead of a liquid at normal temperatures ... But water is a liquid because it has avery interesting molecular configuration. The two hydrogen atoms are fixed on one side of the oxygen atom with an angle of just over a hundred degrees between them. This means that a portion of the molecule is dominated by the oxygen atom and one side is dominated by hydrogen atoms. The result is that one side of the atom has a positively charged atom and the other side tend to have a negative charge, and leads to two interesting phenomena.
First, ifYou get a group of water molecules around each other will tend to stick, because the positive side will be attracted to the negative supply side of another molecule of a molecule. Stick together in the so-called cluster water molecule. These clusters are the reason that water is a liquid. The molecules to be together, creating a liquid instead of gas. This is a simple concept. Water molecules light should be individually become effective gaseousdifficult to bond.
The second phenomenon is that water molecules also tend to collect ions of other substances floating around in the middle of all the water. This is why so many things to solve the problem and why is the means of biochemical reactions in the body. An ion is a molecule that negatively and because electrons have more or positive, because it has caused some electrons. Water is a good means of chemical solutions, since many ionic love thisbi-polar nature of water molecules. The important thing to remember is that many things, including contaminants such as ions in water is present.
Micro-cluster water
Now for the claims of some water filters. Let us first consider the concept of micro-clusters of water molecules. The thesis is that the filter can cause the water to form a smaller number of series groups of molecules, and that makes the water less sticky, humid and therefore more able to hydrate the body's cells.It seems the way it makes sense or not? Well, this is the problem that there is a particular group of water for about a trillionth of a second. No one can cluster and also if the filter has smaller clusters to create these clusters would take one-thousandth of a billionth of a second, then drink very quickly. These filters can not basic physics and chemistry of water to move towards the creation of large clusters to smaller clusters in the thousandth of a billionth of a second interaction. L 'The science simply is not valid. So forget the micro-cluster.
Ionizing water
Now back to the water ionizing and the creation of alkaline water. No machine can actually separate the molecules of water molecules in acidic water and alkaline water molecules. Think about it. H2O H2O H2O. The computer can not tell from a single molecule, "Mister H20 OK, you're upset." and then select a different molecule, and say. "Whoa little H2O, Alkaline will 'is simply not the case.These machines are not as acidic or alkaline the water molecules. It's only water molecules, pure and simple. Remember, these ions of things swimming around in water molecules? Remember that some positive and some had had negative charges? Well, it's so hard to make these ions in an electromagnetic field and the positive ions to flow in one direction and the flow of negative ions in the opposite direction. Ionizing filters have two outputs. It 'easy to set uptwo and two together here. What really separated the filters, the ions in the water after their electrical properties.
If an ion is positive or negative is determined by the value of the atom, which depends on the number of outer shell electrons. Ions are or or give away electrons hit electrons. This is what determines whether something is acidic or alkaline. Thus, these filters create a valid claim of an alkaline stream, but what reallyhappened is that you move a group of so-called alkaline ions in the flow of water and the other group of ions in the flow of acidic water. Not the water molecules of acid or alkali.
Alkalized water safety
Remember that water contaminants such as ions in water may be present. The obvious question is whether a seriously dangerous impurities with ionic charge, which goes into what makes the flow of alkaline water is present, because if they want,Ionizer makes the water is actually less safe for the concentration of ions drink evil. Unfortunately, the answer is that some very harmful impurities actually concentrate in an alkaline stream. For example, the two three-and pentavalent arsenic in the stream of alkaline water to go. Arsenic is known to cause cancer and birth defects defects.The ionizing water filter actually increases the concentration of arsenic in the water you drink. This is a huge problem because most of the ionizing radiationThe filters do not have adequate filtration before moving ionization arsenic gates. If so, then it would be many other types of ions are also removed and probably would not make much of a stream of alkaline water at all because the ions would be gone.
The bottom line is that it is not surprising for any of the allegations that the filters do to create a sort of super water-fall. It 'really pseudo-science, and the sad part is that, because of redox reactions,can actually happens in your body if you could, with the use of ionizing filters, you think you feel better, even though the water makes you very badly in the long run. The thing is to look for a water treatment plant, drinking water safe and clean without water and magic supplies. Ponce de Leon was not the fountain of youth and not related to filter water magic. Clean, safe water is one that is designed to physically and, frankly, will take care of your body rest for you if you give only theThe water is not contaminated.
The truth and myths about ionizing water filter
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