Sunday, November 27, 2011

Jbj Nano Cube Water Change Procedures - Video #5

Jbj Nano Cube Water Change Procedures - Video #5 Video Clips.

Aquarium water change procedure. This tank as been started on April 3, 2009. Tank description: 12 Gallons JBJ Nano Cube DX, 17 pounds of live rocks, 12 pounds of live sand,red sea reef salt, hydrometer, digital thermometer, aqueon heater, active carbon, ceramic rings, oceanic bio cube protein skimmer, test kit for: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, calcium and alkalinity ,2 buckets, extra heater, extra pump, extra thermometer for water preparation, tube feeder. List of aquarium inhabitants: Fish: bi-color dotty backand ocallaris clown. Crustacean: cleaner shrimp. Invertebrates: red starfish, black turbo snails (4), bubble tip anemone. Corals: yellow polyp, green polyp, zoanthus, sarcophyton leather, bright red mushroom, green star polyps, metallic green torch coral,Xenia.

Tags: 12, gallon, nano, nanocube, reef tank, marine aquarium, clownfish, coral, jbj, saltwater, fish, bicolor, dotty back, green star polyps, Nano Cube DX, live rocks, live sand, cleaner shrimp, red starfish, black turbo snails, bubble tip anemone, yellow polyp, green polyp, zoanthus, sarcophyton leather, bright red mushroom, Xenia, paolo, 333333

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Friday, November 25, 2011

GE Reverse Osmosis Water Filters Exposed

GE Reverse Osmosis Water Filters Exposed

Water Filter

Have you been trying to decide whether or not the GE reverse osmosis water purification system is the right choice for taking care of your family's contamination needs? GE reverse osmosis filters may well be useful to you, depending on from what source you are getting your water.

If your home happens to be in a rural area away from the city provided water service, then you are a possible candidate for a GE reverse osmosis water purification system. If you are drawing your water from a source that contains salty or brackish water, then you would probably benefit from the system.

If on the other hand you live in an area that is serviced by the provided water treatment facility, GE reverse osmosis filters would be a big waste of money. RO, as the process is often referred to, is the same method by which the water treatment facilities clean your water. I guess a better way to say it is, that is the same system that fails to clean your water.

The GE reverse osmosis water purification system possesses the same shortcomings that the system at the treatment facilities has, and they are many. No matter what your living circumstances are, you would still require another method of filtering in order to actually purify your drinking water.

The RO process works by forcing water through a porous membrane filter for the purpose of removing the impurities. This works to some extent as many of the impurities present are removed. The problem lies in the fact that the system was designed to simply de-mineralize the water, and remove other solid contaminants.

Now I say that this is a problem because while RO does a commendable job of removing this solid debris, there are many contaminants that are escaping its grasp. Microscopic parasites and bacteria are two examples of dangerous elements that are able to pass through. Toxic chemicals, being liquid themselves, flow through the barrier as easily as the water does.

GE reverse osmosis filters are not designed to be capable of preventing these entities from entering you drinking water any more so than the systems at the water treatment facility were. There are simply too many possible toxins which the system cannot handle to make it an advisable choice for use in the home setting.

A better alternative to the GE reverse osmosis water purification system would be a multi-faceted purification system armed with the correct filters necessary in order to work effectively against a wide range of contaminants. These items are far superior to the "one filter fits all" design, which clearly fails the RO system.

GE reverse osmosis filters simply can't match the level of versatility that these superior units possess. These systems utilize four different filters contained in a single compact unit which will effectively eliminate up to 99.99% of all contaminant threats. So what you will be drinking is the purest, safest water that you can possibly make.

We've already shown you that there are far better choices than the GE reverse osmosis water purification system, now the decision of what to buy is simply up to you.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Berkey Water Filter Review

Berkey Water Filter Review

Water Filter

Years ago I set out to find the absolute best water filtration system in the world. I had tried many water filter systems from a local store. Sure, they took out the chlorine smell, but that's about it. I kept reading articles and listened to many doctors speak about all the junk in tap water, not to mention streams and lakes. The contaminants that came up over and over were bacteria, fluoride, parasites, pesticides, herbicides, radon 222, lead, mercury and the list goes on.

Are you surprised? Your tap water, deemed "safe" by your city, has all of that in it and more. Did you know there are hormones and birth control in the water? You bet! After finding out that most, if not all, water filters in any store's hardware section don't filter out squat, I was determined to find a filter system that really worked to my standards. I also wanted a system that was affordable and I looked for a company that cared about my family's health more than selling a product that isn't worth .

I found that system and it is called the Berkey Water Filter. Berkey has a remarkable line of systems to fit any of your needs no matter the size of your family or whether you want it for travel or home use. Berkey has it all. You don't need electricity or water pressure with a Berkey. It's a gravity water filter that can filter more than four gallons per hour depending on the system size. There is no under-the-sink installation because these stylish systems fit perfectly on your countertop.

Berkey water filters are superior because they remove everything listed above and more. They successfully purify treated water as well as untreated raw water, from sources such as lakes, rivers and stagnant ponds. I will always remember the first time I drank water from a Berkey filter. It was the most amazing taste and feeling I have ever had. I always tell guests who come over to prepare for an amazing experience.

Berkey systems are very easy to assemble, easy to clean and the filters last a long time. That means they are very economical and user-friendly. I was tired of throwing away my money on cheap filters you have to replace month after month. I could no longer pour tons of money into systems that don't even remove pathogenic bacteria, fluoride, lead or mercury.

I finally found a water filter system my family has proudly used since 2006. Once you drink from a Berkey water filter you will never want another.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Types of Water Filter Cartridges

Types of Water Filter Cartridges

Water Filter

An understanding of the different types of water filter cartridges and how they compare would be handy to know. As water passes through the cartridge, unwanted materials are taken out or altered so that the water coming out the other end is less harmful and tastes better.

The cartridge itself is housed in a vessel and are a cylinder containing various materials---like charcoal and resin beads. The better ones have at least two separate cartridges so that different toxins can be dealt with at different stages. The simple countertop filter; the ones that you fill from the top and stand all by themselves, have a ceramic filter called a candle. Some ceramic candles are filled with carbon such as activated carbon as well.

'Activated' means that the carbon material eg charcoal is processed, giving it a greater surface area for the toxins to be 'adsorbed' (stick to its surface) by. At least one manufacturer I know of also impregnates the ceramic wall of the candle with silver to kill off bacteria.

Gravity pushes the water through the candle and it collects in the bottom 1/2 of the vessel. Turn on the tap and there's your clean water. They are good but most will take an hour to filter one liter of water---not a problem if you fill it up the night before. The water filter cartridge in a filter connected to the mains is different mainly because of water pressure.

Whole house filter systems are designed so that good water pressure is supplied to all of the tap outlets, including the shower. The benefit of these is that all of the water used--the shower, tap, washing machine, fridge, dishwasher as well as the water heater, are all supplied with healthy, non corrosive water.

The under-sink filter and the type that sits on top of the sink use the same cartridges. They slow the water down somewhat. Good enough though, to fill that glass of water or for cooking and washing. A filter fitted to the shower head has only one cartridge. These do a good job of removing chlorine and other toxins while allowing a good flow of water through.

Cartridges do need to be replaced about every six months depending on your usage. However, some ceramic cartridges can be cleaned and reused a few times. While the same basic materials are used, not all filters perform equally and not all are NSA certified. The links below will lead to a comparison between brands.

It would make sense to choose the brand with the best service and which has the best performing water filter cartridge.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box

Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box

Product Brand :


Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box

Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box

Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box

Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box Overviews
Brita Pitcher Replacement Water Filters 3ct Box ensures you have 3 replacement filters on hand to enjoy a clean, crisp glass of water by Brita Water Filters. Coffee 4 Less has the best selection of Gourmet Coffee, Coffee Pods, Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Safest Drinking Water For Your Home And Family

The Safest Drinking Water For Your Home And Family

Water Filter

Everyone knows that clean drinking water is an extremely important factor when it comes to survival, but not many people realize that the water that comes from our municipal water supplies are often contaminated with disgusting and dangerous chemicals, hormones, and other garbage. While we think we know how important it is to have clean drinking water, most people still drink from unhealthy sources.

There are a growing number of people who are realizing that municipal water supplies are not suitable for drinking, even though it doesn't make you sick soon after drinking it, it is still unhealthy and damaging to ones health. Many of these people are using a variety of types of water filters to filter their water and remove any impurities.

Unfortunately, most people believe that their average water filter will remove all of the impurities and leave them with save clean drinking water. This is not true, most commercial water filters do not remove all of the dangerous contaminants from municipal water supplies. Usually the filters only remove chlorine and a few other chemicals, but leave bacteria and other pathogens, chemicals, and toxins in the water, even after it's been filtered.

There are only a few commercial filters on the market that remove all of the unhealthy pathogens and chemicals, including sodium fluoride and arsenic, most of the other chemicals leave these toxic elements in the water after it's been filtered. It's important to find the best water filter possible when it comes to providing you and your family with the healthiest drinking water possible, and so you should look for a filter that removes ALL of the harmful impurities that accumulate in municipal water supplies.

Finding a good water filter to filter fluoride and other contaminants does not need to be expensive, but you need to be confident in the quality of water purification that your filtration system is capable of before you start to drink from it.

There is no doubt that finding the best water filter is an important step in improving your health and the health of your loved ones. Always do diligent research before making a decision about something as important as the source of your drinking water.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Faucet Water Filters Can Purify Your Drinking Water By Removing Chlorine & Many Harmful Contaminants

Faucet Water Filters Can Purify Your Drinking Water By Removing Chlorine & Many Harmful Contaminants

Water Filter

Investing in one of the many faucet water filters on the market is the best way to ensure that the water you drink is clean and safe. Many consumers feel that there's no need to invest in a filter when they can buy bottled water from their local grocery store. Unfortunately, what many of these consumers don't know is that bottled water isn't really much safer than your everyday tap.

This may come as a shock, but there are no government standards that require bottled water to be safer or purer than your everyday tap water. Basically, that means you are paying more for bottled when it's essentially the same as what you can drink from home, oftentimes even worse. In the long run, owning your own filter will allow you to save money and have healthier water available all of the time.

There are over 2,000 cancer-causing contaminants in our water. Unfortunately, with the production of more man-made chemicals, the toxicity will only continue to get worse. Before the invention of these chemicals, the population had a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer. Since the creation of these chemicals, water consumers now have a 1 in 3 chance of getting cancer. Faucet mounted water filters are a wonderful way to purify the water used for drinking and cooking.

Another great benefit of quality faucet water filters, is that they remove contaminants without stripping the water of the natural trace minerals our bodies need, like distillers and reverse osmosis systems do. These two types of filters give you de-mineralized water with a very acidic pH, which is highly unhealthy.

One of the best faucet water filters you can purchase is a twin cartridge system. A quality filter will have a dual system that uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration. This produces healthy and great tasting water. Even better, it can be available at the convenience of your kitchen tap, by hooking up directly to your faucet, or being installed under the sink.

These multi-stage faucet water filters are a wonderful investment because two cartridges are more effective at purifying water. The first stage removes chlorine, sediment and other microscopic particles. The second stage then removes lead and volatile organic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and industrial solvents that can be damaging to your body.

As stated earlier, dual filter systems make great water. However, there are some faucet mounted water filters that also add potassium. When potassium is added to water, it enhances the mineral balance, which gives water a natural spring-like taste. If you're looking for that extra bonus for your water, this is the way to go.

If you still feel like faucet water filters are unnecessary, think about this--there is no new water. This means that what goes down our drain gets recycled for future use. Yes, this also includes what gets bottled for sale. Due to the lack of standard regulations concerning the purity of water, the equipment used at your local water facility remains very primitive.

When you understand that low-grade equipment produces low-grade water, the importance of faucet mounted water filters becomes quite clear. The best way to have pure water on a regular basis is by investing in a filter for your home.

Remember, the best faucet water filters are the ones that eliminate contaminants using a dual filtration system. These filters use a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration to effectively remove chlorine, lead, volatile organic compounds, MTBE and other chlorine resistant chemicals. There is nothing wrong with investing in a more basic product, but if you want a truly effective product, this multi-stage process gives you more for your money.

In order to make a wise investment in faucet mounted water filters, it is best to ask the distributor for a performance data report. Doing so will prove a company's reputability as well as the product's reliability.

A reputable company will want to prove that they can provide the best faucet water filters. Therefore, they will want to assure you that they have the proof to back it up. If you find a company unwilling to oblige, steer clear and find a distributor you can trust.

Your health is important and owning faucet water filters for your home can help you maintain it. When you have control over what you put into your body, you can easily improve your quality of life.

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